Happy Feast of the Annunciation! (or would it be more proper to say Solemnity of the Annuciation?)
Lent so far has been challenging. Nothing major just all those little things that seem to happen all at once.
1. David's car seems to be going on another cycle of "I refuse to work unless you spend money on me repeatedly". Since its last moodiness was over a year ago I guess we shouldn't complain.
2.Teresa had a cold that turned into an ear infection last Sunday. She basically didn't sleep Saturday night or Sunday night very well and whined and had meltdowns all day. Monday morning I called the peditrician at 8:05am and they said they could see her at 8:30 or not that day. So I had to get her out of bed (she of course had finally taken some Advil and was asleep) and hustle there in time for the appointment. We were seen very quickly then at Kroger waiting for the RX right after the pharmacy opened at 9am. Teresa has been sleeping a ton ever since like 12-13 hours straight at night. She must have been feeling really lousy last week unfortunately that was the week Megan was home from spring break.
3. The IRS according to their website seems to need more information to process our return. We're supposed to receive a letter telling us what they need. We're hoping it's something simple.
4. Our clothes dryer seems to being dying too. It's been taking longer and longer to dry and the last few weeks has developed a terrible squeak. Our washer and dryer are in a closet area of the main hall so this squeak is very annoying. I've started to try to plan to dry my laundry when I need to leave the house for awhile.
5. The decluttering is going pretty well. David is keeping the log of how many pounds we've given/thrown away but I think it's at least 100lbs. The old old computer moniter that went to Goodwill was a lot of that weight. Interesting finds during this has been the missing puzzle piece to a Melissa and Doug block puzzle (in the corner of our bedroom under David's spare ball caps behind his coat tree) and the skip counting cd for Math U See that I didn't know I owned (behind one of my bookcases). I had bought MUS again for a little boy I was babysitting the summer Teresa was placed with us. I was thrilled to find this since it was on my buy list for Teresa for Kindergarten.
6. The exercising/less snacking is going okay. I do well for a few days or I do well on one but not both.
7. I haven't done as much reading as I would like with Teresa but we've been busy with more outside playing and activities when she wasn't sick. Teresa started swim lessons and soccer at the Y this month. She loves the swim lessons. Her group jumped into the deep end the last lesson and she was so excited. One of the main reasons I had her start lessons was I didn't think she would be content in the baby pool anymore. I might have to brush up on my swimming skills if she wants to be in the deep end.
Extra #8 David and I submitted our homestudy this week for a not quite 3 yr old boy who is available for adoption in another Ohio county. This is the first time this year that we submitted our homestudy. We were close to being selected many times last year so we're hoping this might be a good match for all of us. We're praying of course for his caseworkers to have wisdom to find the very best family for him. We received the flyer about this little boy during our family's novena to St. Joseph regarding our adopting again so we'll see what St. Joseph has in store for us.
For more Quick Takes see Jen at Conversion Diary.