Yes, through the miracle of adoption we have a new baby, a son Matthew Joseph born the week before Thanksgiving weighing just shy of 4lbs .

We started working with Christian Adoption Consultant Tracie Loux in April.
While we were unloading groceries the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Tracie called to see if we were available. We said, well Megan's wedding is in 4 days, but sure we're open to being considered.
Wednesday night arount 7pm right after dropping Grandma D off at the Hampton we got the call that he was ours. We called and emailed back accepting after going to Culver's to think. I think better while eating chocolate frozen custard. Seriously though there were factors like prematurity and prenatal exposure that we needed to discuss.
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The attorney was then unavailable for the LONG Thanksgiving weekend. Monday and Tuesday the 27th and 28th we did crazed packing and paperwork and shopping.
We drove 16 hrs south on the 30th and were able to hold him for the 1st time Thursday the 1st of December.
He was discharged from the NICU on Friday and we just passed ICPC this Tuesday (another miracle since Ohio is known for slow ICPC) and will be driving home starting tomorrow.
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