Friday, October 26, 2012

Busy Week Quick Takes

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Last week Teresa turned 6. For some reason 6 seems older to me not a preschooler anymore but a child.

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One of her birthday requests was to go to the Newport Aquarium.

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Our Trick or Treat was last night (the 25th).

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This morning both Teresa and Matthew had checkups. Teresa is having her 6yr old one and Matthew is having a pre-op before his tear duct surgery next week. The nurse practitioner hadn't seen Matthew since his 4 month checkup and remarked how big he was and how you wouldn't ever think he had been a little preemie. He had grown a lot since 9 months. He's now 21.5 lbs and 31.5 inches.

--- 5 ---

Teresa read these pages yesterday and was so excited. Just looking at the large rat makes me grimace.

--- 6 ---

I just watched 5 children 6 and under. 3 are a friend's, 2 mine. This friend watches Teresa A LOT. It really wasn't all that bad they played together fairly well and all 5 kids liked the pancakes I made for lunch.

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Last one, a painless way to support Reese's Rainbow. Last I checked they were just behind in second. First place is $50,000. That could mean a big difference for some special needs orphans. Please help them get into 1st place.

Grab This!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Really Fast QT

--- 1 ---

I'm supposed to leave for my mom in law's in 26 minutes. It's a 2 hr drive each way. I'm helping start to pack/declutter/etc before her planned move to my sister in law's next month. Andrea, Megan, Scott, and I are going. David is staying home with Matthew and Teresa.

--- 2 ---

We have a nice brick fireplace/wood stove in the family room. When Matthew started crawling I put the couch in front of it to block access to the little door and to keep him from falling on the hearth. Well he crawled around found a small available spot and starting gnawing on it the other day. The noise this made was awful. Chalk noise is nothing in comparison.I now have the couch, loveseat, and ottoman making an ugly wall of furniture to keep him totally away from it.

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Other gnawing locations- the pew at church. Yes, I was letting him put his mouth on it and was really surprised he left teeth marks.

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We're trying to refinance our mortgage. I needed proof of home owner's insurance. My file had last year's statement. I was proud I managed to create an online account and print off a statement. This was much easier than finding it in the needs filed mail stack.

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Teresa is enjoying swim lessons. She is even remembering what they call the stroke positions. It's monkey, soldier, starfish. I was watching from the bleachers across the pool and when she does the monkey it looks like she's drowning.

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Andrea, Matthew, and I went to the local Life Chain last Sunday. It's at our local courthouse square. A Lutheran pastor did the opening remarks and I never realized they do the same Sunday readings we have at our parish.

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Adoption Fundraising- This family has a matching grant opportunity. More info on their blog.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Friday, October 5, 2012

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My dear husband David turned 50 last week. We went out for dinner the Saturday before his birthday, had a family dinner and cake on that Sunday, his sister sent him a big plant/flower/balloon arrangement, and work decorated his cubicle with balloons and banners so lots of celebrating .

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We rejoined the Y last night. Teresa has swim lessons again starting today. We signed her up for the 6 and up class versus preschool class. I hope she does okay. She will be 6 in 2 weeks.

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Homeschooling is going well. I did a big curriculum switch a few weeks ago. I will wait until at least spring to decide for sure but right now I love it. It's more laid out for me but still uses a ton of real books.

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Teeth have been a big topic here lately. Teresa has lost 4 in the last few months. Matthew has his 6th one coming in right now. We now can recognize his awful sleep pattern that preceeds each tooth.

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Finding time for housework with homeschooling an active kindergartener (as in if I turn my back she pops out of her chair) and having a newly mobile baby (he tries to eat everything he can find on the floor but won't open his mouth for baby food) has been a challenge. This morning I had to clean the shower before I could take a shower. It was that bad.

--- 6 ---

Product Review- Do not buy store brand scrubbing bubble bathroom cleaner. Mine came from the store we call Big W. It does not smell the same (gaggy smell) and it doesn't work well either (see QT 5). I am not the most frequent cleaner but it has definitely not been that long for it to get that disgusting.

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Orphan feature- His birthday is this month. He loves to read and recite poetry and is just going to be five. He sounds like an amazing little boy who is facing transfer. Praying for his family to find him very very soon.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!