I was really trying to get back to school on a daily basis since our vacation time a few weeks ago and I was trying to do it without screeching well not screeching too much. Potty training Matthew needed attention too because he's now the age where he leaks too much from pullups and diapers and if I need to change bedding and clothes he should just be in undies. So I guess those were my goals for the week some school every day, try to limit screeching, and try to have Matthew in undies at least sometime every day.
One link I enjoyed this week- Amongst Lovely Things
I went back and read most of her old posts. I was in need of some encouraging reading post vacation. I'm also starting to listen to her read aloud pod-casts.
Monday- This week got off to a good start. I rewarded the get your phonics and math done quickly with craft time. Matthew enjoyed the craft time and even did a bit of cutting practice. I watched him like a hawk since in the past he cuts his shirts whenever he had scissors. The rest of schoolwork was electronic time. Math Reflex for fact practice and Brother Francis DVD's. We watched Forgiven again to help Teresa prepare for 1st Reconciliation this coming week. Teresa watched most of the others we own while Matthew napped and I read old blog posts in the afternoon. We did review prayers that Teresa needs to memorize for PSR. The Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and the Sign of the Cross we've said with her for years. She now knows them well. The Act of Contrition is the main one we've worked one lately. They are supposed to know the 10 commandments as well. We also cleaned and made pies after dinner since I hosted our homeschool group's moms night out Tuesday.
Tuesday- I made sure Teresa read to from the Faith and Freedom Reader. We forgot that yesterday. Otherwise we did phonics (Little Angel Book C) and math (MUS Beta) and reflex math practice. And I did a very lame read aloud time of Rainbow Fish. I said to pick something off the shelf. I made sure to reserve a ton of stuff online from the library. I returned almost all of our library stash before vacation. I hosted moms' night out. Only two moms came but we still had fun talking and enjoying pie and tea. David took Teresa and Matthew out to dinner at Culvers and did a bit of shopping at Kroger so the house was quiet.
Wednesday- Math Phonics, Reflex Math,. Read Alouds Amanda Pig. After I pulled the Christmas/winter books off the shelves and put them in a basket we read How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I think it's early for this but our weather has turned cold this week so it seems like winter is here already. PSR tonight the 2nd graders toured the church preparing for next weeks 1st reconciliation. Teresa seemed thrilled and excited. She even told me she isn't nervous anymore. They must have talked about examining their conscience because she told me she knows what to confess and then what it was. She wanted to tell Andrea when she got home from class but she told her that was between her and God and she didn't need to know. They also were told they could read from a paper if they needed to for the prayers/wording and not to worry about that. They also got little Jesus Loves Me bracelets. I hope Teresa doesn't think she will get prizes from the priest at confession like she does from the doctor and dentist.
Thursday- Math, Reflex Math, Reading to me from the Faith and Freedom, Reader Read Alouds Gail Gibbons Thanksgiving and Chicken Little by Ed Emberley. We also went to Family Story Time at the library at 6pm. We had videos and puppets that needed returned and we haven't done story time much since our favorite librarian retired a few years ago. Matthew is old enough to do it now. The kids enjoyed it. I'm not sure if it was the mini cupcake snack that caused that. Mostly I'm sure they enjoyed getting out of the house. It's been too cold wet and windy to get outside much this week. Having done something 4 evenings in a row I was tired. I spent a lot of time working on menus and grocery lists during nap time.
Friday- We needed groceries so no school this morning. We managed to go to Aldi and Meijer before Teresa's art class at 1230. I went to the library with Matthew while Teresa was in class. I had a ton of reserves in thankfully. I also got a chance to talk to the librarian about a book I paid for over the summer had been found. Basically they took off the fine and I have a credit for what I paid for it. I got to visit with a few other moms who had kids at art too. One I've know for years. She had a new coloring book and crayons for Matthew for his birthday. Teresa was excited about the new books. She read Billy and Blaze to Matthew on the way home in the van. We made it home just after 2. I unloaded the Meijer groceries. It was around freezing so I wasn't worried about my turkey thawing during art class. Matthew finally got a nap just before 3. Read Aloud at bedtime was the 1st story in James Herriot's Treasury for Children.
Saturday- David read some Beezus and Ramona to Teresa and they did lots of yard work. I did laundry 6 loads since Matthew managed to wet his undies on our bed so I had all of our bedding along with the regular laundry. Teresa helped me mix up a triple batch of pumpkin pie filling. Some of it is for Matthew's birthday pumpkin pie and the other we're trying to freeze for Thanksgiving. We have large ceramic pie pans that need 1 1/2 recipes to fill. I hope it works.
I'm trying to link up this week. Visit Melanie's blog for more Guilt Free Learning Notes.
1 comment:
Yay, you posted! All of your links seem to work.
I laughed at the part where you hope Teresa doesn't expect a prize from the priest when she goes to confession. Father A especially doesn't seem like the prize-giving type.
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